Periods, Postpartum, and Getting the Support You Need

With Dr. Nancy Boyd of Ancoeur Wellness Ann Arbor

Written by: The Be Her Village Team
Posted: March 27, 2022
It can be really hard to slow down, in pregnancy and postpartum, because many of us tend to move through our lives rather quickly— but even more so it can be hard that we live in a society that pressures moms to get back to their pre-pregnancy bodies, clothes, or exercise routines. Dr. Nancy Boyd is a  sports medicine and pelvic health physical therapist and owner of Ancoeur Wellness Ann Arbor, in Ann Arbor, Michigan where she works with people all along their perinatal journeys to ensure they are moving safely and effectively to help them feel empowered and supported. 

Not only do Kaitlin and Nancy talk about pelvic health as it relates to postpartum, they also talk about periods— and why they’re such an important indicator for wellness in the pre and postpartum stages. 

Let’s celebrate the fact that our bodies are growing humans! Not beat ourselves up for looking, feeling, and moving differently after giving birth.

If you’re in Michigan and want to put Nancy and her services on your registry, check out Nancy here:

And to learn more about her practice:

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Category: Podcasts
Tags: pelvic floor , new mom , postpartum body , pelvic floor pt , exercise , sex after baby


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