Myofascial Release and Relief

Written by: Ruth Rohr, OTR
Posted: November 02, 2020

What is Myofascial Release (MFR)?:

Authentic John F. Barnes Myofascial Release is a full body, hands-on technique that releases the fascial system. The MFR approach is an intensive, but generally mild and gentle form of stretching performed by qualified therapists who have been highly trained. These techniques have profound effects upon the body tissues. Because of its gentleness, many individuals wonder how it could possibly work.
The simple answer: the fascial system is interconnected.

MFR is very different from traditional massage.

Traditional massage helps relieve pain in the short term only. It treats only the elastic component of the connective tissue, so like anything elastic, the tissue bounces back to its prior position that was causing the pain. MFR goes much deeper, but does so gently. The sustained time period engages the collagenous layer or the connective tissue allowing for lasting changes. Once that force (tension) is removed from the tissue it allows the skeletal and visceral components to return to optimal alignment and therefore relieve the pain.
As a pregnancy progresses, the growth of the fetus pushes the internal organs, pelvis and ribs to make space for the baby. This frequently causes back pain, as well as occasional digestive and respiratory issues. 
MFR releases the connective tissue, rebalances the body, making more room for the fetus and decreasing pain. Throughout a pregnancy, a consistent schedule of visits can make the expectant mom much more comfortable and even make labor and delivery more smooth. In an ideal world, expectant mothers would get MFR consistently to pre-emptively combat pain and discomfort, but MFR is effective for the postpartum patient as well.
For the postpartum patient, pelvic floor work is very beneficial to return the body to pre-pregnancy function. The pelvic bones are supposed to reset following delivery, but frequently they don’t and need some manual therapy.

What happens in a MFR session:

The connective tissue known as fascia, is a continuous system stretching from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes. Restrictions in one area of the body can translate to pain anywhere, since everything is connected. Therefore, MFR is a full body treatment. The evaluation takes place in a private office, on a massage table and begins with a full body postural scan and soft tissue palpation. Treatments usually start at areas of imbalance and progress anywhere that a restriction is felt. The initial hand-on session is 90 min and usually follow up sessions are 60 min, but longer sessions can be arranged if needed. 

For more information on Ruth and her services, take a look at her Be Her Village profile here!

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Category: Tips From BeHerVillage Providers & Partners
Tags: BeHerVillage Partner , postpartum , pregnancy , postpartum recovery , pelvic floor , Myofascial Release , body work , postpartum body , pregnant body


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