Birth Trauma: What It Is, How To Prevent It, and What To Do If You Have It

Written by: The Be Her Village Team
Posted: June 13, 2021
Kaitlin McGreyes, founder of Be Her Village talks with Marisa Hughes, LCSW, Maternal Mental Health Specialist, and Trauma Specialist to learn more about birth trauma. Birth trauma doesn't necessarily mean scary and morbid (although in some cases it can), but birth trauma can be, simply, that your birth didn't go the way you planned.

Marisa emphasizes the importance of maintaining flexibility in your birth plan as you head into birth, focusing on controlling the things you can, even when  there are many things you can't.

We look at the questions:
"How do I know if I've experienced birth trauma?"
"What do I do if I have birth trauma?"

This conversation is rich with information to help new mamas prepare for birth as well as helping heal the mamas who might have had a traumatic birth.

You can find all of Marisa's services listed on the Be Her Village Registry by clicking here!

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Category: Podcasts
Tags: BeHerVillage Partner , BeHerVillage registry , hospital birth transfer , birth trauma , hospital birth , birth prep , ready for birth , birth plan , birth support , birth , maternal mental health , mental health


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