Zen Doula

Miller Place, NY

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About Zen Doula


Jillian received her Doula Certification through the Long Island Doula Association (LIDA) and is currently the Vice President of the organization. She became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) through the Healthy Children's Project & ALPP. "After having my own children, I know the importance of having the support families need. With my training and experience it is my goal to elevate your birth, postpartum and lactation journey so it is remembered in a positive light." - Jillian

Gift Registry Expert Guidance

Gift Registry Consults


We'll meet to discuss all your lifestyle, postpartum and recovery needs as well as Baby's essentials. (in person or virtual)
I will guide you to decide which stores and websites have the best features to ensure an easy experience as well as which products & specialist will support your mental and physical well being the best. If creating a registry seems daunting, I can build your entire registry for you, personalized to your needs.

Pricing Description


Lactation Counseling

Lactation Counselor


In person Lactation Counseling for all your breastfeeding needs.
During pregnancy I will teach you breastfeeding techniques, how to read babies hunger cues and more so you are fully prepared when Baby arrives.
After birth you will have a full lactation consultation to evaluate Baby's latch, milk production and any concerns you may have.

Virtual options available.

Pricing Description

Counseling Session $300

Birth Doula Support

Birth Doulas


Two prenatal visits, continuous pregnancy support through call/text/email, full labor support and one postpartum visit. Full Birth packages include Lactation support & Gift registry expert guidance.

Virtual options available.
Customized packages.

Pricing Description

Customizable packages $1,500-$3,000

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