
Northampton Township, PA

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About Yogamazia


At YOGAMAZIA® we're not just a yoga studio; we're a sanctuary where yoga's wonders unfold for children and where every pregnancy and postpartum journey is met with compassion and understanding. Whether you're seeking assistance during birth, postpartum recovery, or a nurturing community, we provide a bridge where you and your children can flourish in the pursuit of balance and well-being.

Postpartum Doula Support

Postpartum Doulas


Transition smoothly from birth or adoption into the early months of parenthood. Schedule a consultation to understand our doula packages. Our doulas offer breastfeeding assistance, newborn care, parenting education, and emotional support.

Pricing Description

Price varies by package ranging from $4500. Schedule a consult to discuss!

HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education

Birth Classes


Discover HypnoBirthing®, a method designed for relaxation and stress-free birthing. Learn self-hypnosis, relaxation techniques, and positive affirmations to facilitate a more comfortable, potentially pain-free birth.

Pricing Description

$400 group - contact for private sessions availability and pricing.

HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education - virtual

Birth Classes


Discover HypnoBirthing®, a method designed for relaxation and stress-free birthing. Learn self-hypnosis, relaxation techniques, and positive affirmations to facilitate a more comfortable, potentially pain-free birth.

Pricing Description

$400 group - contact for private sessions availability and pricing.

Little Lotus Hands (Newborn/Infant Massage) - virtual

Mommy and Me Classes


Embark on a journey of bonding, relaxation, and joy! Our Little Lotus Hands class expands on your bonding journey with Baby’s First Massage® techniques. This research-based training empowers parents and caregivers with listening and sensitive touch skills, fostering a foundation of love, esteem, and respect in your growing family.

Pricing Description

$96 and includes parent/caregiver manual.

Goddess (Prenatal Yoga)

Prenatal Yoga + Fitness


Goddess is our 1 hour prenatal yoga class dedicated to pregnant persons of all levels. The class honors the development and physiological changes taking place within the body during this special time with practices of affirmation, meditation, pranayama (breathing), and asana (poses). Classes are structured based on all trimesters using appropriate modifications.

Pricing Description

Drop-in $28
6-Class Pass $150

Little Lotus (Postnatal & Baby Yoga)

Postpartum Yoga + Fitness


Little Lotus is dedicated to our baby yogis 2-3 to 12 months who are starting to get to know the world! This class includes the babies and crawlers accompanied by parent or caregiver. Classes are 45 minutes in length; they focus on building back parent's strength, baby massage techniques, and simple yoga poses that aid in development of fine motor skills and are a place for new caregivers to form a community.

Pricing Description

Drop-in $28
6-Class Pass $150

Birth Doula Support

Birth Doulas


Enhance your birthing journey with the support of a dedicated doula. Schedule a consultation to understand our doula packages and how a doula can provide comfort, guidance, and reassurance during your childbirth journey.

Pricing Description

Price varies by package ranging from $2500. Schedule a consult to discuss!

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