The Well Birth

Apex, NC

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About The Well Birth

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis Group Class

Birth Classes


This is a comprehensive childbirth education course. Hypnobabies Edition 8 is a very successful 6-week, 2.5-hours per week, complete childbirth education course that was adapted with permission from Gerald Kein’s “Painless Childbirth Program.” Hypnobabies is well-known for helping to create much shorter, easier and more comfortable labors, making childbirth the joyful experience it was meant to be. Yes, really!

Pricing Description

The cost of the class is $450, which includes the $100 deposit to hold your place in class, 6-weeks of instruction for birthing family (and doula, if appropriate), all materials and my personalized support before, during and after class. The materials include your Hypnobabies Workbook, Multiple MP3 for the birthing parent, 5 Hypnobabies hypnosis scripts in a booklet, your Quick Reference Guide, your Birth Partner’s Guide, the Birth Partner’s audio track MP3, and many important handouts.

This class is taught in North Carolina by Lerissa at THE WELL BIRTH. Please see for more information about upcoming classes.

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