The Mama Coach - Christina Bombay

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About The Mama Coach - Christina Bombay

Hourly Postpartum Support from a Registered Nurse

Postpartum Doulas


I will come to your home and be your extra set of hands, as you transition to being at-home with your child.

This service is provided at an hourly rate so that I can answer all of your questions during our time together. I can assist with feedings (breast/bottle/pumping), newborn care, educating about newborn development and more.

For families with babies under 12 weeks old. Can also be done virtually.

Pricing Description


Virtual Hourly Postpartum Support from a Registered Nurse

Holistic Women's Health


I will provide you with a lot of information as you transition to being at-home with your child.

This service is provided at an hourly rate so that I can answer all of your questions during our time together. I can teach you how to breastfeed, bottle feed and pump. I can also teach you how to bathe your baby, trim fingernails, about newborn development and so much more.

For families with babies under 12 weeks old.

Pricing Description


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