Happy Brown Baby

Washington, DC

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About Happy Brown Baby

Holistic Childbirth Education 12-hr Individual Class

Birth Classes


12-hour Childbirth Education series
Parents receive 6 two-hour sessions to support them in creating birth/postpartum plans, learning birth options, making informed decisions, and practicing comfort measures.
Sessions are virtual and can be scheduled at the parent's convenience.
Parents will have access to videos, demonstrations, handouts, and more.

Pricing Description


Full Circle Doula Support Package

Birth Doulas


Monthly virtual prenatal sessions on Nutrition/Exercise,
Birth/Postpartum planning,
Infant care planning,
comfort measures and relaxation techniques for homeostasis of mind-body-spirit
Text / email support throughout pregnancy
Prenatal yoga & meditation session
Private Childbirth & Parenting Class
On-call support by phone and/or video
24-hours support during your birth;
3 virtual postpartum sessions
& more awesome features

Pricing Description

Premium Virtual Full Circle Doula Package - $1800
In-person - $2200

Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Class

Birth Classes


This is a comprehensive virtual childbirth education course, for DC/DMV families.

Hypnobabies® Edition 8 is a very successful 6-week, 2.5-hours per week, complete childbirth education course. Hypnobabies is well-known for helping to create much shorter, easier and more comfortable labors by teaching medical-grade hypnosis techniques making childbirth the joyful experience it was meant to be.

Pricing Description

Cost $450, which includes the $200 deposit to hold spot for birthing family

6-weeks of instruction, includes course materials: Hypnobabies Workbook, Multiple MP3 for the birthing parent, 5 Hypnobabies hypnosis scripts in a booklet, your Quick Reference Guide, your Birth Partner’s Guide, the Birth Partner’s audiotrack MP3, and many important handouts.

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