Sunny Side Postpartum Care
Boston, MA
Get in touch
About Sunny Side Postpartum Care
Prenatal Lactation Consultation
Lactation Counselor
Feeling prepared for the first few days will put you at ease as you and your baby learn to breastfeed! We will cover nursing positions, learn about your baby's latch, and learn how to fix common mishaps to prepare you for breast/chestfeeding your little one. We will also discuss how breastmilk's made, baby's cues before, during, and after feeding, the benefits of skin-to-skin contact and Golden hour, and signs your baby is getting enough milk!
Pricing Description
Prenatal consultations are $200 for 1 hour of education and support. The best part? You will get free email follow-up and a 10% discount on future lactation consultations!