Slumberland Solutions
Get in touch
About Slumberland Solutions
I am the mom of three children: two boys and one girl. I had my children very close together, and I realized early on that sleep was key to a smooth-running household (and my sanity). So I was very diligent about instilling good sleep habits in my children. Nana, my mom, inspired me to create early bedtime routines and follow consistent schedules. To this day, my kids are all good sleepers and understand the benefits of a good night's sleep. \
Q: What are your certifications and trainings?
A: I am a certified sleep consultant with IPSP and certified with Positive Discipline Educators.
Q: What locations or areas do you serve?
A: Most of my work can be done virtually, so I can reach families anywhere. If local, I am happy to make a home visit.
Q: How much experience do you have?
A: I started Slumberland Solutions 6 years ago, and have been helping families with sleep and toddler behavior challenges for over 25 years.

Customized Toddler Sleep & Behavior Package
Gentle Sleep
This package is customized specific to your toddler's sleep and behavior challenges. We offer 1:1 support to teach your toddler how to fall asleep independently and decrease behavior outbursts. This package will give you the confidence you need to make smart decisions to help your toddler develop good sleep habits and confidence.
Pricing Description
Package Includes:
1 hour private phone consultation to review and address all of your questions related to your toddler's sleep and behavior challenges.
A comprehensive evaluation and customized plan addressing his/her sleep and behavior troubles.
Information related to your customized sleep and behavior plan.
Unlimited email/text/call support for two weeks.

Customized Sleep Training
Gentle Sleep
This package is customized specific to your baby's sleep routine and challenges. We offer 1:1 support to teach your baby how to fall asleep independently. This package will give you the confidence you need to make smart decisions to help your baby develop lifelong good sleep habits and routines.
Pricing Description
Package Includes:
1 hour private phone consultation to review and address all of your questions related to your baby's sleep challenges.
A comprehensive evaluation of your baby and his/her sleep troubles including schedules.
A customized sleep plan for your baby based on the evaluation and our conversation.
Information related to your customized sleep plan.
Unlimited email/text/call support for two weeks.

Newborn Sleep Training Package
Gentle Sleep
This is a great package for parents who want good sleep habits and routines right from the start. We will discuss newborn sleep patterns and what to expect during the first three months. Makes a great shower or welcome baby gift for the expectant mom.
Pricing Description
Package Includes:
1 hour private phone consultation to help lay the foundation for good sleep habits and what to expect during the first three months of life,
Suggestions for creating a sleep-friendly space,
Techniques to help your baby learn how to fall asleep independently.
Sample schedules to help you navigate through these first few months.
Three emails/texts to use at your convenience.
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