Peachy Births: Doula and Lactation Services LLC

Kansas City, MO

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About Peachy Births: Doula and Lactation Services LLC

Spinning Babies Birth Prep

Birth Classes


Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby’s active role in birth. During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor.

Pricing Description

$125- Each ticket admits 1 pregnant person, and their support person.

Lactation Class and Consult

Lactation Counselor


Private lactation consultation (in-home or virtual) to include:
Review pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation experience
Thorough health history
Anatomy assessment (parent and baby)
Sharing personal goals and hopes
Observation of baby feeding/pumping
Suggestions and Individualized Lactation Care Plan

Pricing Description

Prenatal Lactation Education and Postnatal Lactation Consult- $250

Childbirth Education

Birth Classes


This comprehensive course covers all the basics of what any birthing person needs to know to have the birth they are wanting including:
Stages of Labor
Comfort Measures
Hospital Policies
Birth Planning

Virtual appointments include "Childbirth In a Box" to be mailed to your address before your appointment.
Can be added to a doula package for a discounted rate.

Pricing Description


Birth Doula

Birth Doulas


3-4 Prenatal visits including Birth Plan consultation
Phone/email support pre & postnatally
Customized Printed Visual Birth Plan
Individualized Doula Care Plan
Child Birth Education Class
Continuous physical and emotional support during labor
1-2 hours initial postpartum support
Initial breast/chestfeeding support
Photos of baby and family during the first hour
Postpartum visit with lactation evaluation/assessment

Pricing Description


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(913) 703-3252



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