Pathway Pilates Studio

Media, PA

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About Pathway Pilates Studio

Postnatal Pilates

Postpartum Yoga + Fitness


Pathway Pilates Studio is a boutique classical Pilates studio where we practice movement that enables you, gain knowledge that empowers you, and build confidence that motivates you. We offer 50-min privates, duets, and group classes geared toward pregnant women and new parents. Pilates can help prepare you for the type of delivery you want and assist you gaining strength, stamina and energy after delivery.

Pricing Description

New Client Package (4 private Sessions): $320
Private Sessions: $85
Duet Sessions: $65/per person
Classes: $32 (all new clients are required to take an evaluation session or new client package before starting classes)
Packages offer in packs of 5, 10, 15 or 20.

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