Mothering with Heart

Spokane Valley, WA

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About Mothering with Heart


As a lactation consultant with more than 3 decades of experience, (most of which as an IBCLC), I provide new parents with the tools they need to feel confident breastfeeding their baby. My approach is holistic, evidence based, & comprehensive. An initial postpartum in-home consult is 2-3 hours, includes follow-up calls & custom written care plan. I offer local and virtual consults. Check out my site for more about my services & packages!


Q: How much experience do you have?

A: I have more than 30 years experience. I am an old IBCLC, first certifying in the '90s. I've always pursued new research in all areas related to the biological norm & breastfeeding. I have taught prenatal BF classes, hosted support groups and provided private consultations. I STILL love my job, as each mom and baby is beautifully unique!

Q: What are your certifications and trainings?

A: International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC); mid '90's & mid 2000's. I also have current and extensive training regarding tethered oral tissues (TOTs), and how they can impact effective breastfeeding.

Postpartum Breastfeeding Consultation

Lactation Counselor


Would you like to have your breastfeeding questions answered in the privacy of your own home?

My 2-3 hour service offers a full assessment of you, baby (includes oral evaluation), positioning, proper latch, & a full feeding.
This service includes helpful handouts, aftercare instructions and phone/text follow-ups as needed.

Pricing Description

Services range from $150 - $200

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