Laura Thomas Fitness

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About Laura Thomas Fitness


Laura obtained her pre/postnatal certification from Girls Gone Strong in the summer of 2018 and has renewed it every two years with the latest research. In the spring of 2019, Laura also did a six-week apprenticeship with one of the co-authors, physiotherapist Marika Hart, based in Australia. Laura works extensively on alignment in the postpartum phase before adding strength and function so that clients work from an optimal placement for their spine, specifically their sacrum, to avoid pain.

1:1 Fitness Coaching For Pregnancy or Postpartum

Prenatal Yoga + Fitness


Expecting or postpartum parents can elect to meet with me 2-4 hours per month, and I coach and support them in between via email and chat with exercises and other wellness tips that support their journey. I am the guide, and they are the driver, so I let their experience tell me what they need and when. I am also open to working with other practitioners in the birth and postpartum circles.

Pricing Description

Pricing ranges from $387 to $522 monthly for six months (time built-in post-birth for recovery). A sliding scale is available for those who genuinely need it.

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