Joybird Doula

West Orange, NJ

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About Joybird Doula

Postpartum Doula Support

Postpartum Doulas


Postpartum doula service for 3 months, consisting of:

-14 one-hour sessions and unlimited texting for 3 months
-Access to online Mothers Gatherings for 3 months

* Note: If the client is within 30 minutes driving vicinity and COVID negative, in-person sessions are available at an adjusted rate

Pricing Description

$625 Postpartum Remote Doula Support

-1 consultation meeting
-1 postpartum planning session before the birth
- 3 calls in the first and second week postpartum with unlimited text
- 2 calls in the third and fourth week postpartum with unlimited text
- One call per week for the following two months
- Access to monthly Rosh Chodesh Mothers Gatherings, recording and materials for 3 months
- Customized Postpartum recipes
- Customized Herbal remedy recipes
- 1 jar Sitz bath mailed to home

Calls are up to an hour in length and are for:
-Checking in with birthing person regarding mental, physical and spiritual wellness
-Providing relevant care information including but not limited to : nursing/feeding, sleep, nutrition for mom, self-care, infant care
-Teaching: mother and baby massage, mastitis treatment techniques, exercises and dance to help rectify diastis recti and pelvic floor disfunction
-Strategizing how to activate the mother's "village of support"
-Providing information about traditional Jewish postpartum customs (if desired by a Jewish client)
-Helping birthing person to identify other postpartum rituals or traditions that speak to the family
-Trouble shooting and strategizing in any of the areas listed above

They are also designed to allow the birthing person space to process the birth, transition and change, and to allow doula to screen for signs that a referral is needed (lactation consultant, mental health care, OB /midwife follow up, pediatrics check in)

Add ons:

Monthly Zoom call/ consult for every month going forward - $45

Monthly Rosh Chodesh Gathering recording and materials- $20

Customized Postpartum recipes $25

Customized Herbal remedy recipe $25

Additional jar sitz bath mailed to home $25

Let's Connect



(503) 791-8472


@joybirddoula on IG


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