Fruitful Birth Midwifery

Palm Springs, CA

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About Fruitful Birth Midwifery

Midwifery Services



Included in full home birth services are but not limited to: Prenatal labs, prenatal care, birth kit, birth pool upon availability, On call during labor, full in home labor care and support with at least one assistant, postpartum care up to 6 weeks all in the comfort of your home.
Not Included in the package: Ultrasounds, Biophysical Profile, Non-stress tests, Extra labs beyond normal Prenatal labs.

Pricing Description

Fruitful Birth Midwifery offers home birth services to families in the greater Palm Springs, Coachella Valley and surrounding areas. Full home birth midwifery services start at a base price of $6000 though it can range a bit depending on personalized care plans.

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