Baby Bump & Beyond

Sweetwater, TX

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About Baby Bump & Beyond

Standard Birth Doula Support

Birth Doulas


-Once monthly at-home visits from date of hire until 36 weeks, then bi-weekly until birth.
-24/7 on call birth doula from 38 weeks’ gestation until birth.
-Continuous labor and delivery support from the start of labor, through birth, and will stay until the new family is comfortable & nursing is well established.
-1 comprehensive postpartum visit within one week of birth to process your birth story,

Pricing Description

This fee is based on a sliding scale depending on the level of prenatal support needed, beginning at $1125. Add $125 per one month for each month of pregnancy remaining, beginning with the month of pregnancy you will begin requiring services! Example: If you are in the fifth month of pregnancy and want to begin services immediately, you would need "5 months" of service (months 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). The bi-weekly appointments are included in your 9th month of pregnancy! So, your total fee would be $1625. Reduce fee by 10% for African American expectant mothers. If you still need help with further pricing, let me know!

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(325) 236-1093



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