Aligned for Birth, LLC

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About Aligned for Birth, LLC


I am a mother of 3 and love to learn. I became a doula in Korea and also lived and parented in Egypt and Germany so I have searched the world for the best solutions for my clients. There are many ways to approach pregnancy, birth and parenting. My goal is to help parents understand their options and make confident choices. Prepare your mind, body and life for birth and postpartum.


Q: What locations or areas do you serve?

A: I live in Wayne, PA and serve the Philadelphia metro area,

Q: Are there any specialities in who you serve? (e.g. home birth, VBAC, etc.)

A: VBAC, hypnobirthing, over 40, anxiety, IVF, history of low supply

Q: What are your certifications and trainings?

A: Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula and Lactation Counselor through CBI, Body Ready Method Pro, Hypnotherapy, Hello Birth Hypnobirthing Instructor, Hypnobabies Hypnodoula (former instructor), Babies in Common Flange Fitting, Luna Lactation Herbal Support for Lactation & Infant Care more listed on my website

Q: What drew you into working with parents-to-be?

A: I started this work looking for solutions for myself and found myself helping others. As a former theatre major, I experience love stories and triumphs with every family. Seeing new parents connect to their inner wisdom is satisfying on a deep level. Having a baby is a BIG transition and always challenging but can also be joyful.

Q: What's your top piece of advice for an expectant mom?

A: Asking for help can be hard as our society values self-reliance but we weren't meant to parent alone. Physical and emotional support can allow you to make intentional choices, tune into your instincts and move through birth and early parenting with joy and confidence. Trust yourself. You are the expert on your life, but receive support.

Hello Birth Hypnobirthing

Birth Classes


Hello Birth is a complete childbirth education course with the additional of hypnosis and mindfulness skills to increase confidence in pregnancy and comfort in birth. Training your mind and body to work together in birth will help you through the physical process of "doing birth". Hypnosis is a skill that can be used in many life situations beyond birth so the benefits keep coming. Partners are also well-prepared to advocate and suppor.

Pricing Description

$400 including materials and hypnosis audio tracks

Postpartum Doula Support

Postpartum Doulas


Day or night support focusing on advanced preparation, education and creating systems to make postpartum easier and more joyful. My goal is to build confident parents. Strong background in infant feeding including lactation support, flange fitting, pumping and bottlefeeding. Nutritional support, organization, baby wearing, cloth diapering, baby sign language and elimination communication also available. Postpartum planning is included.

Pricing Description

$45/hour with a 4-hour daytime minimum and an 8-hour nighttime minimum

Birth Doula Support

Birth Doulas


Birth Doula Support includes Body Ready Method's Body Ready Birth program.

Pricing Description

Birth Doula Fee is $1800 including 2 prenatal appointments, Body Ready Birth program, unlimited text and email support, in-person labor support and 1 postpartum visit.

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