Wonders of My Belly

Written by: Andrea Costanzo
Posted: February 24, 2021
I started Wonders Of My Belly to give families a more intimate and personal experience of seeing their new additions in a more comforting space other than a doctor's office. 

Prior to the pandemic, I was doing gender reveals live right in people's homes the day of their parties. I also would attend baby showers so all the guests could see the sonogram right at the shower. Since the pandemic, Wonders Of My Belly has completely turned into supporting the families that are not allowed to be present in the doctor's office with their spouse due to the Covid restrictions. It was wonderful prior to COVID but now the appreciation my clients have for my portable service has climbed off the charts. This brings me even greater joy when I see how happy they are that they found WOMB! 

The experiences I have been apart of are amazing. So many families FaceTime loved ones who cannot even visit them because of covid. Grandparents near and far are either at the home during the sonogram or on FaceTime. Military spouses who are not here are dialed in on FaceTime. I have had a client fly in from London to have WOMB come to her parent's house on the east end of Long Island so they could all see the sonogram. One husband flew in from Florida for 36 hours just to have the experience with the womb in his home with his wife. 

My service is needed now more than ever. Partners are no longer to have that connection through sonograms at regular prenatal visits and the fact that I can bring that to the comfort and safety of their home is such a blessing. 


Andrea Costanzo graduated from NYU in 1995 and has been doing ultrasounds ever since. She finds great joy and passion in her field. For the past 25 years, she has been a diagnostic medical sonographer, registered in Ob-Gyn and providing her expertise and compassion to mothers across Long Island, New York. As a mother and revered professional in her field, her ultimate goal is to provide an informative, intimate and relaxed environment for each of her clients. You can learn more about her services on Be Her Village here!

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Category: Podcasts , Tips From BeHerVillage Providers & Partners
Tags: home birth , family stories , ultrasound


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