Why House Cleaning Services Make A Great Baby Shower Gift

Written by: Janel Duffy
Posted: May 26, 2024
While you’re creating your baby registry, it’s easy to focus on just the baby stuff, or just the birth support. It might not be on your radar to consider the kind of help you might need to accomplish daily household tasks, because let’s be honest– thinking about a perfectly put-together nursery and tiny onesies is way more fun than thinking about chores. At BeHerVillage, we’re trying to encourage moms to think beyond the nursery and beyond their baby’s needs. Life with a newborn affects literally every aspect of a new mom’s life, including household chores. Sure, there are plenty of moms who have no trouble taking out the vacuum in between feedings or naps, but for many– the thought of keeping things clean and organized can be completely overwhelming. 
With the lack of sleep, the feedings, the burp rags, the extra stuff– it’s likely that your home might feel a little cluttered and messy once your newborn is home and settling in. And when it comes to choosing between cleaning your kitchen or taking a long shower and a nap, we want you to be able to rest as much as you can! This is why we’ve made it easy to put house cleaning services onto your BeHerVillage registry.

Reasons To Put a Housekeeper Onto Your Baby Registry


Cleaning Is Tricky When You're Constantly Feeding and Caring for a Newborn

Newborns require round-the-clock attention, and your days (and nights) will be filled with feeding, changing diapers, and soothing your little one. Finding time to clean can be incredibly challenging when you’re on a newborn’s schedule. Hiring a housekeeper means you don’t have to worry about vacuuming, dusting, or scrubbing when you’re already exhausted and sleep-deprived.


You Should Spend Your Early Postpartum Days Snuggling 

The newborn days and weeks (although they can feel incredibly long) don’t last very long. The once crinkled feet will get chubby and smooth, the legs will eventually stop scrunching when you pick up your baby, and your baby will stop grunting and snorting like a little piglet. You should spend as much time as you want snuggling and cozying up with your precious newborn. For a lot of moms, being nap trapped or cozy with baby means letting the dishes pile up and maybe getting behind on laundry. When you have scheduled and paid for house cleaning services for your postpartum period, you can get as many baby snuggles in as you want, without the chores looming over your head. (Check out this blog to read some other helpful tips to make sure your home stays as tidy as you need it to be).


Your Recovery Matters More Than The State of Your Home

This is one of those things that is easier said than done. But truthfully, the first few days and weeks with a newborn should be spent as low-key as possible. Whether you’ve experienced a vaginal birth or a cesarean birth, there are different levels of healing required for your unique experience. If you’re sore or nursing an incision wound, you shouldn’t be up and vacuuming dog hair or cleaning the toilet. But I get it– at the same time, you don’t want to be living in a home that feels messy or disorganized. What ends up happening is that moms will just “push through” the pain or discomfort or their exhaustion to tidy up just enough for their own comfort. Instead of having to choose between recovery and a tidy home– you can have both when you register for house cleaning services on your BeHerVillage registry.


You Have More Important Things To Do Than Chores

Besides the resting, feeding and diaper changing– you probably have a few other things that you may need or want to do more than tidy up your pantry or dust your lamps. If you have other children, you might want to spend some 1-on-1 time with them, you might have early pediatrician or chiropractor appointments to get to, you might want to get yourself a postpartum massage. If you’re not sleeping when the baby sleeps, you shouldn’t have to spend that time catching up on tasks around your home (unless you want to). When you have a brand new baby, it’s really important that you get some time during the day that is reserved for you, your needs and your desires. Having extra help in keeping your house tidy will leave more room for you to make more choices for yourself.


Not Sure Exactly What House Cleaning Services Are For You? 

Check out these ideas to help you figure out what you might want and need for house cleaning services. 

One-Time Cleaning Service

When I had my second baby, one of my good friends sent her regular house cleaner over and paid for her to do a one-time deep clean. I can attest that it was one of the best postpartum gifts I received. Overall, with a toddler and a new baby, it was hard to keep things clean, and having that one-time service made everything feel reset, refreshed and it was a game changer for my mood. 
Having a one-time service gives you a new, fresh starting point, with all of the dishes, laundry, and bathrooms taken care of, so you can feel clear-headed with room for your other most important priorities and desires.


Regular Cleaning Services

With the BeHerVillage registry, it’s easy to ask for the exact amount you need to pay the housekeepers. You can ask for a few hundred dollars, and book your house cleaning service to come weekly or monthly for a while so that you know that for a good chunk of time while you’re learning your newborn, your home’s needs will be taken care of. 
A regular service will help your home stay more organized, clutter-free and will help you stay ahead of the laundry and dishes that tend to pile up. You can start scheduling these sessions toward the end of your pregnancy when it starts getting harder and harder to bend down to wipe baseboards.


Major Organizational Help

There are also some wonderful organizational services that help you organize your closets, bedrooms, garages, nurseries and more. While these services aren’t washing your dishes or taking out your trash, they are helping you declutter and create systems to help make keeping your house tidy much much easier. To quote Long Island’s own Hampton’s Organizers: “The end result is a space that not only looks & feels great, but also functions at its best.”
Having organizational help is a great thing for expectant moms to register for. You can register for this type of organizational help to come during the time you’re pregnant, nesting and creating a space for your baby– or, you can have professional organizers come once your baby arrives and you get more of a feel for what you need, where you need it and need help creating a system to best support you.

A Postpartum Doula

I’m not saying a postpartum doula is the answer for everything, but… a postpartum doula might also be the answer for everything. If you hire a postpartum doula, chances are they’re willing to take on any household tasks that you can’t or don’t want to do. From folding your laundry to cleaning the pet bowls, most postpartum doulas are game to do whatever they need to in order to help you rest and connect with your newborn.

BeHerVillage Is The Registry Where You Can Put House Cleaning Onto Your Registry

With the BeHerVillage registry. It’s easy to ask for the funds you need to pay for the house cleaning services you need. Because the funds end up directly into your bank account, you have them handy for when you need them. We’re working to get more cleaning and organizing professionals listed onto our registry guide, but in the meantime, set aside a portion of your registry dedicated to cleaning services, so you can get the funds you need to pay for the professional you end up choosing.
Having someone else take care of the chores while you care for yourself, your baby, and your other family members is a highly recommended and underrated gift you can give to yourself. You deserve this.

BeHerVillage is helping parents like you get the funds they need for the support they deserve! Are you having a baby and are looking for support? Create a registry for support today and get gifted funds directly into your bank account to pay for your support team. You deserve this.

Are you a birthworker who supports new moms? Use BeHerVillage to help your clients pay for your support. Create your free profile here and you can be the best baby shower gift a mom will ever get!
Category: Postpartum Planning , Unique Gifts For Expectant Parents , BeHerVillage Registry Guide
Tags: housekeeping , house cleaning


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