What Are the Costs of Home Birth?

Written by: The Be Her Village Team
Posted: October 22, 2024
Planning a home birth comes with a unique set of costs. Beyond your midwife’s fees, you’ll need to consider additional expenses like birth supplies and any extra support you may need during labor. Here’s a breakdown of the main costs to expect when preparing for your home birth.

Midwife Fees

    The largest cost for a home birth is typically the midwife’s fee. This usually ranges from $2,000 to $12,000, depending on your location. This fee covers prenatal visits, labor, delivery, and postpartum care. Some midwives also offer sliding scale fees or payment plans, so be sure to ask about that during your initial consultation. The fee is split into two different parts: the retainer and the global fee. The retainer is often an out-of-pocket fee that secures your spot on her calendar. The global fee is what she will bill your insurance, and this varies quite a bit between midwives. 

Birth Pool and Supplies

    If you’re planning to use a birth pool, you may need to rent or purchase one. Birth pools can cost between $200 and $500 depending on whether you choose a rental or buy your own. You’ll also need to buy other essential home birth supplies like Chux pads, towels, and a sump pump for the birth pool cleanup.

Miscellaneous Costs

    Don’t forget about the small but important items that will make your birth experience more comfortable. Think cozy towels, a large bowl for the placenta, snacks for your birth team, and postpartum recovery items like adult diapers or herbal remedies. If you’re renting a space or preparing your home, these costs can add up, but being prepared will give you peace of mind.

  Planning for a home birth can come with both expected and unexpected costs, especially when it comes to midwifery care. While the upfront costs for your midwife's services can be significant, there are also additional expenses for birth supplies, postpartum care, and more. With BeHerVillage, you can create a registry that allows your friends and family to contribute directly to your home birth fund. Instead of traditional gifts, they can help offset these out-of-pocket costs, giving you the financial support you need for a safe, empowered home birth experience.


BeHerVillage is helping parents like you get the funds they need for the support they deserve! Are you having a baby and are looking for support? Create a registry for support today and get gifted funds directly into your bank account to pay for your support team. You deserve this.

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Category: Getting Ready For Your Baby
Tags: home birth


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