The New Way To Baby Shower

Written by: Janel Duffy
Posted: September 06, 2020

You don't have to have a regular baby shower if you don't want to.

If there’s been one good thing about the 2020 pandemic and forced social distancing, it’s that we’ve all been saved from sitting at a baby shower pretending to be excited about the mama-to-be unwrapping a high chair and fifteen onesies. Of course we should celebrate the mama as well as share in the joy of the upcoming arrival of the new baby, but this pandemic has shown people how much more creative a baby shower can be, and how awesome they will be going forward. Gone are the days of sitting around a table with your best friend’s great-aunt trying to make small talk over brunch and sheet cake. 

Make it Virtual: 

We are all pros at Zoom calls by now, and this is a super easy way to get everyone connected for a brief period of time. The trick for a Zoom baby shower is to keep it short and sweet, and giving people an itinerary or a rough outline of what to expect will help people stay engaged and excited. Give everyone the link and time that the Zoom party starts, and encourage everybody to mute themselves when they log on until the guest list has arrived. This might be a fun time to show your guests a few of the outfits you’ve picked out for baby, take them on a virtual tour of the nursery, or open a few gifts on camera. To keep everybody entertained, here are a few game ideas that can be played virtually! Check out our post on how to throw an engaging virtual baby shower.

Drive-By Shower:

If you hate sitting in front of your computer and feel like a group Zoom call might be too much to manage, a Drive-By Baby shower might be up your alley instead. This can be as short and sweet as you want it to be. Your guest list can drive by, take a look at the adorable baby bump and glowing mama, hand their gift to you from their car window, and you can thank them with a customized cookie, goodie bag, or tiny plant. If you live on a busy street, you might want to see if you can set up at a park or somewhere that the neighbors won’t mind a line of cars driving slowly and stopping often.


Drive-To Shower:

This kind of shower is ideal if you keep a small group of friends and family who live in close proximity to each other, or if you have family members that tend to congregate at each other’s homes anyway. (But this is not ideal if you’re VERY pregnant and uncomfortable sitting in a car). In a drive-to shower, mama-to-be drives to the homes of her guest list. She can stop at the driveway and hand her guests a treat, a snack, or a mini bottle of champagne, while the guest gives her the gift they bought for her. If mama-to-be is comfortable, she can get out, hug, let people touch her beautiful belly. This can be a great way to spend a little amount of time with people you’re comfortable with, soaking up all of that love before the arrival of your newborn.
Thanks to the pandemic, we've gotten creative with virtual hangouts and drive-by celebrations, making it easier (and frankly, more fun) to celebrate new arrivals without the awkward small talk.
Zoom parties, drive-by greetings, or even a personal drive-to tour for close ones offer fresh, fun ways to share the excitement. It's all about making these moments special and stress-free, showing that when it comes to welcoming a new baby, there's more than one way to party.

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Category: Getting Ready For Your Baby
Tags: baby registry , pregnancy , baby shower , party planning


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