How To Create Your Registry

Building the perfect registry

Written by: The Be Her Village Team
Posted: November 09, 2021
This baby registry is not like the others. 
It's a gift registry for moms! 

  • Click "Create a Registry" on the homepage
  • Fill out your personal details and create a password
  • Connect your account so you can receive your gifts! 

We pre-fill your registry with a few services you might like. You can add, remove and change them as you need!

  • Add your support providers to your registry (can can use their URL if they provided it) 
  • Use the "Create Your Own" tool to add custom services and get exactly what you want 
  • Once you have your perfect registry, share using your personal URL

Ready to get the funds you need for the support you deserve? CLICK HERE to create your registry! 

BeHerVillage is helping parents like you get the funds they need for the support they deserve! Are you having a baby and are looking for support? Create a registry for support today and get gifted funds directly into your bank account to pay for your support team. You deserve this.

Are you a birthworker who supports new moms? Use BeHerVillage to help your clients pay for your support. Create your free profile here and you can be the best baby shower gift a mom will ever get!
Category: BeHerVillage Registry Info


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