Connect your account so you get the funds to pay for the support you deserve.
- Click "Connect to Stripe" from your registry page
- You will need:
- Social Security Number to verify your identity and your account
- Basic Contact Information
- Bank Account or Other Payment Information
- In "Business Details" simply select the first option in the dropdown menu under industry.
- Select an account for payouts. This is a one way transaction (money only goes TO you)
- Review your information and submit to connect
Once you've completed these steps, your registry will be ready to share!
Ready to connect? Click HERE!
BeHerVillage is helping parents like you get the funds they need for the support they deserve! Are you having a baby and are looking for support? Create a registry for support today and get gifted funds directly into your bank account to pay for your support team. You deserve this.
Are you a birthworker who supports new moms? Use BeHerVillage to help your clients pay for your support. Create your free profile here and you can be the best baby shower gift a mom will ever get!