After giving birth and being home with your new baby, it can feel really hard to find any semblance of normalcy or routine. Between the newness of everything, the overwhelm of responsibility, the sleep deprivation, the hormones, and the healing– it can be really easy to lose yourself in those early days of motherhood. In an ideal world, all new parents would have hands-on help for taking care of the mom, baby and the home, and while it’s getting easier to do that with a BeHerVillage registry– I get it that it’s not the norm for most people. As someone who has navigated life with a newborn twice, I understand how isolating and overwhelming early parenthood can be. However, taking a little bit of time to do a few intentional things for yourself as a brand new mom can help you lift your spirits and feel a little more human.
Basic self-care is just as important after you have your baby as it was before.
It just might look a little different with a newborn. Basic self-care can fall to the wayside as you try to figure out how to balance everything from feeding to swaddling to getting sleep. But, as all of the internet will tell you: self-care isn’t selfish. As a fairly new mom (again) myself, I know how important self-care is but I also know how hard it can be to create or maintain any sort of routine once a new baby enters the world.
So, here are 3 simple self-care steps to take every day to help you reconnect to yourself
#1. Brushing Your Teeth
If you haven’t had your baby yet, you might be thinking “Ew why would I ever go a day without brushing my teeth?” But when you’re sleep deprived, focused on your baby and aren’t sure what day it is, it can be hard to stick to the dental hygiene routine that you did prior to your baby.
Brushing your teeth daily at roughly the same time has benefits that go beyond taking care of your teeth and gums. Doing this step in your day (ideally without a baby in your arms) has lots of benefits including:
Helping to mark the transition of a new day
Connecting you to your body through movement
Pausing your day for a few minutes just for you
Freshening your breath and mouth can boost your confidence
Maintaining that bit of "me time" to brush your teeth can be a small but powerful affirmation of self-care in the whirlwind of new parenthood. It’s not just about fresh breath—it’s about nurturing the well-being of both you and your smile.
#2. Changing Out Of Your Pajamas
I get it, while your body is healing, your size is changing, you might still be bleeding or dealing with an incision– the last thing you probably want to do is wear anything other than something comfortable. And while I’m suggesting to change out of your jammies, I’m NOT suggesting that you put on a fancy outfit or anything that feels uncomfortable. Those first few weeks should be about your comfort, whatever that means for you. For me, it was putting on a fresh pair of oversized undies and a new tank top (I had summer babies). But, taking the time to change into something new– even just new pajamas – is a simple act of self-care that can be really beneficial as a brand new mom.
Much like the brushing your teeth suggestion, changing out of pajamas has hygienic benefits to it, but it’s more about the act and what it does to you mentally where you get the benefits. Reasons to change out of your pajamas:
Helps to signify the beginning of a new day
You might feel more comfortable changing into new and fresh fabric
You might feel a little more confident starting the day with clothes that aren’t covered in milk, poop or boogies.
Taking that time for yourself can ground you and help you feel more present
Changing up what you’re looking at and wearing can be helpful in the monotony of early motherhood
Slipping into a fresh set of clothes or pajamas can quietly lift your spirits and subtly reinforce your sense of self during those first blurry weeks with your new baby. Making this part of your little daily routine can help you feel more connected and grounded and ready to take on your day.
#3. Going Outside For A Few Deep Breaths Of Fresh Air
It’s great to do this with your baby, but for the sake of your own self-care, see if you can do this in the morning by yourself. Even if you live in Minnesota and you had your baby in February, stepping outside for a few quiet deep breaths in the morning has its benefits. When you’re in the throes of newborn land, taking time to get outside can be a major refresh for your senses. Outside there are different things to look at– even if it’s just looking up at the sky. The change of scenery can be really nice. There is a different smell and feeling to the air outside versus the baby breath air that’s in your home. Taking a conscious big breath of fresh air can help you slow down your breathing and find a moment of stillness in the present moment. Stepping out for fresh air can also help you remember that there is a world outside of what’s happening inside your little bubble– which can help you feel less isolated or claustrophobic. Plus, there are endless benefits that come from soaking up some Vitamin D from the sun.
Making a point to get outside each day for some fresh air and some deep breaths can be one of your simple pleasures that has countless benefits.
Self-care in your first few weeks postpartum doesn’t have to be complicated or multi-step
Taking some time for yourself every day to do a few simple things that help you reset your day, reset your mood and refresh your mind and body can make a big difference in how you feel. These can be little quiet moments that you look forward to and little daily wins that you can be proud of in the early days of learning your newborn.
Some support ideas to help you with this basic self-care and beyond:
A postpartum doula: they can help make sure you’re getting all of your needs met while helping you meet the needs of your baby (and the rest of your family).
Meal service: not having to think about what to cook and how to feed yourself and your family can be majorly helpful.
Lactation support: sometimes it can feel impossible to know whether or not your baby is eating which makes it feel even more impossible to think about focusing on anything else. A lactation consultant will help you feel confident that your baby is getting its needs met.
New mom groups: while those first couple weeks you might stay hunkered down in your house with your baby, if you can connect with other moms at your same stage (or ones who are ahead of you)
You can find and fund all of the support you want for those early postpartum weeks and months when you create a registry at
BeHerVillage is helping parents like you get the funds they need for the support they deserve! Are you having a baby and are looking for support? Create a registry for support today and get gifted funds directly into your bank account to pay for your support team. You deserve this.
Are you a birthworker who supports new moms? Use BeHerVillage to help your clients pay for your support. Create your free profile here and you can be the best baby shower gift a mom will ever get!