Richmond Birth and Baby

Richmond, VA

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About Richmond Birth and Baby


Q: What locations or areas do you serve?

A: Richmond, Virginia, and the surrounding areas.

Q: How much experience do you have?

A: I have been working with Moms and babies for over 20 years.

In Person or Virtual Breastfeeding, Lactation, Pumping and Infant Feeding



As an international Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), we take Insurance and help anyone who needs us. We are trained in typical breastfeeding education before baby arrives and virtual/bedside/office help after your baby arrives. My specialty is "suck dysfunction" or those with difficulties that others are not able to help. We can also use Cranial Sacral and Myofascial gentle movements to help you be successful in your feeding goals!

Pricing Description

If we are not In-Network or covered by your Insurance plan, your payment is $200 for the initial payment and $175 for additional appts. We do provide a superbill for you to turn into your Insurance for a possible reimbursement.
There is a $30 travel fee for Richmond, VA, and the surrounding areas, if we travel to your home. That is waved for In Office appts. Referrals can be made to other offices as needed. We believe in collaboration!

In- Person Nighttime Nanny or Daytime Postpartum Care

Postpartum Doulas


We will join you in your home and help you navigate and settle into your role as a parent. We help with education and demonstration of feeding techniques, diapering, bathing, sleep, and other activities of care for a newborn. Easy meal prep and light housekeeping will take some things off of your plate so that you can rest and recover. Happy and honored to hold your sweet baby while you all nap or when you need an extra hand. Personalized care!

Pricing Description

Prices start at $45 per hour for light housekeeping, meal prep, rest for parents, and baby care.

In Person/Virtual Prenatal Classes

Birth Classes


Childbirth Ed- 3 week series 7.5hrs or 4hr (1 day Intensive) class

Pricing Description

Childbirth Ed- 3 week series $239;
4hr (1 day Intensive) class is $195

In-Person Birth Doula Support

Birth Doulas


We provide early education for you while pregnant which includes 2 pre-natal appts with us to help discuss options at your location of birth, how you would like to feel giving birth (safe, powerful, protected, and/or educated?), and what to expect during labor. We will stay for about 2 hours afterward to help with feeding the baby. Then we are available for at least 1 postpartum visit in the first couple of weeks at your home.

Pricing Description

Your investment is $1475 for all of those services in addition to our on-call time starting at 37 weeks.

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