
Healing Tree Doula
Clearfield, UT
Get in touch
About Healing Tree Doula
I am very passionate about healing and I believe it can be found in many ways. I'm a licensed massage therapist, doula, birth photographer among other things. Pregnancy, birth, and babies...I love it all! I love teaching things that I'm passionate about. I teaches a variety of classes such as yoga, dance, meditation, infant massage and comfort measures for birth. I'm married and have 3 amazing children. My children have always been my best teachers. I love exploring new places and being creative
Q: What locations or areas do you serve?
A: Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Cache Valley Counties
Q: What are your certifications and trainings?
A: Doula certified with Stillbirthday, LMT (licensed massage therapist 25 years), Birth photographer certified with birth becomes you, yoga and belly dance instructor.
Q: How much experience do you have?
A: 8 years as a doula, 25 years as a massage therapist, and 3 years as a birth photographer
Q: What's your favorite past client story?
A: I have a doula friend that hired me to be her doula for 2 different births that she two surrogacy births for a couple from China and then for a couple in France. It was such a unique and beautiful experience to witness two times. What an amazing gift!
Q: How do you answer the question: "I want your support but my partner feels like they'll be replaced"?
A: A good doula helps give the partner direction and helps him be involved. I like to say it is not just a mother experience but a parent experience. I love helping the partner feel involved and helpful.

Baby Massage Education
Massage and Spa
I love teaching parents infant massage. I think it is a tool every parent should know to help bond, soothe and ease discomort for their babies. I also have an online course for this but I do teach in person classes as well.
Pricing Description
$80/60 minute class
$50 online course

Postpartum Belly Binding
Massage and Spa
I offer two styles of belly binding and I honestly recommend both. BengKung belly binding which takes a little longer to put on but is more effective. Faja belly binding which is less effective but quicker when you have less time. Belly binding helps bring the organs back into place, bring warmth back into the body, supports posture, promotes healing, and is a comforting postpartum experience.
Pricing Description
$175 for BengKung Belly Binding
$50 for Faja Belly Binding
$215 for Both ($10 off)

Comfort Measures Class
Birth Classes
This is a class geared to teaching the partner how to help the birthing mom through labor. This includes some education on massage, oils, pressure points and other tools for comfort. This is especially helpful for a mom trying to go natural/unmedicated during labor.
Pricing Description
$80/60 minute class

Cranial Sacral Therapy for Infants
I love working with the babies! I am a massage therapist for over 25 years. Cranial Sacral therapy is a light tough method that helps decompress the cranium calming the nervous system and affecting everything else in the body from there. This can help babies with digestion, latching, spitting up, sleeping, colic, lip/tongue ties and so much more. If your baby is struggling this is definately something to try. I do recommend at least 3 visits.
Pricing Description
$100/ 60 minutes
I also offer a package of 3 for $270 ($10 off each session)

Prenatal and Postpartum Massage
Massage and Spa
I love working with the pregnant and postpartum population. I offer prenatal massage and labor prep massage for pregnancy. Massage during pregnancy can help with a faster and easier labor. I offer hot stone massage, warm bamboo fusion, and Thia massage for postpartum. This is a great way to promote healing. I have lots of other bodywork offerings as well including infant massage education and cranial sacral therapy for infants.
Pricing Description
$125/60 minutes
$150/75 minutes
$175/90 minutes

Postpartum doula
Postpartum Doulas
Offering postpartum doula support. This is a great way to create your village. I can come and help with cooking, cleaning, taking care of baby and other children while you rest. I do daytime hours but no overnight shifts at this time
Pricing Description
$35 per hour or if you buy at least 24 hrs of support (broken down into 4 or 6 hour blocks) you get a discount for $30 per hour instead.

Birth Photography
Birth Photography
Birth photography is one of my favorite offerings. Capturing the sweet moments between a couple and the first moments of meeting your baby are so special and priceless.
Pricing Description
$1100 or added to doula services $700. There is an unedited/raw photo option coming soon as well.

Doula Services
Birth Doulas
2 prenatal meeting, on-call labor support, 1 postpartum meeting
Pricing Description
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