Gentle Giraffes, LLC
Boston, MA
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About Gentle Giraffes, LLC
Postpartum New Parent Q & A Session
Newborn Care Classes
You can never have all the parenting answers before your little one arrives! Team up with one of our baby experts for a one-on-one virtual Q & A session to ask any questions about infant care, breastfeeding, sleep safety…. the topics are endless! This service includes:
• One 30-minute virtual session on the phone or Zoom.
• Unlimited texting during wake hours ( 7:00 am 9:00 pm) for 1 week post call.
• Valid for first 6 weeks of birth.
Pricing Description
$150.00 includes one 30-minute Q & A with unlimited texting for 1 week

Breastfeeding 101 Virtual Class
Lactation Counselor
Whether this is your first or third child, this class will be beneficial to make the feeding and bonding in those first few weeks a little smoother. Breastfeeding 101 is a comprehensive virtual class that deep dives into each topic with our resident Lactation Consultant.
-The Importance of Breastfeeding
-The Lactation Process
-Breastfeeding Must Haves
-The Golden Hour
-The First 24 Hours
-The Beginning - the first 6 weeks
-The Long Haul
Pricing Description
There is so much information about the amazing benefits, advantages, physiological and technical aspects of breastfeeding that we can guide you through!
This is a virtual 2 hour group class: $199.00
Antepartum Care Package
Postpartum Doulas
The list is long for the mom-to-be when they need the most rest! This is a perfect gift for anyone awaiting the arrival of their newborn. An extra set of hands to check off the to do list or even assist with mandated bedrest, this package is one of our best sellers. 5 hours days include:
• Sibling Care
• Errand Running
• Assists to Appts
• Chores - Laundry, Dishes, etc.
• Nursery Set-up
• Healthy Meal Planning/Prep and much more!
Pricing Description
1 day per week (5 hours of service) for 4 weeks = $1,100
Through the Fog Package
Postpartum Doulas
This package is designed to guide your family through the first several weeks or "the fog" as most people describe it! Gentle Giraffe's is here to support you through the first wave of healing while you are adjusting to your new life as parents. With years of experience and professional training, your personal baby expert is ready to care for your infant as well as troubleshoot any issues and guide you on sleep safety and healthy sleep routines.
Pricing Description
$4,999 includes:
2 overnight shifts (9:00pm - 6:00am) per week for 6 weeks.
Assistance with the gift product registry list.
One Safe Sleep virtual consult (1 hour) done before baby's arrival.
Virtual Breastfeeding 101 Q & A between 30-36 weeks (2 hours)
Expectant Parent Class
Newborn Care Classes
This consultation is perfect for expectant parents who from day one would like to have a solid foundation of the basics of daily care. It will cover the basics of healthy sleep and coping skills for those first few months. This is a great opportunity to get all of your questions answered so that you’re ready for baby's arrival! Includes:
• Feeding tips
• Swaddling
• Soothing Tips
• Day/Night Education
• Car Seat Safety and much more!
Pricing Description
Includes 1.5-2 hours in-home or video/phone consult.
2 thirty-minute follow-up calls within the first 6 weeks postpartum.
Can also include up to 5 other people who will be supporting you as well, grandparents, siblings, childcare provider/nanny etc. Best time to book this package is 6-8 weeks before due date.
***We pride ourselves in using all information that is based on studies/research/experience with full-term babies.