College Station, TX
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About Birthly

Birth Doula Support
Birth Doulas
A free initial consultation
At least 2 prenatal visits to discuss your birth plan & expectations
Prenatal support by phone, text or email
24 hours on call which begins at 38 weeks
1 acupressure session to encourage labor at 40+ weeks with care provider’s approval
Labor & birth support for mother and her birth team
Support after the birth until mom is comfortable and breastfeeding (1-2 hrs)
1 postpartum visit
2 wks postpartum support
Pricing Description

Birth Plan Consultation
Birth Doulas
In this 2 hour session, we will discuss some of the common practices and outcomes associated with birth. This session will help you decide what you want in your birth and what things you do not want. Bring your partner because you may be surprised by the things that are important to them.
*This is included with doula services and birth classes.
Pricing Description
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