New Moms Are Talking About Black Friday Deals In Online Forums

Will they be talking about yours?

Written by: Kaitlin McGreyes, Founder of Be Her Village
Posted: October 09, 2023

If you don’t have a Black Friday offer, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to create buzz around your birth business. 

Moms are talking about the Black Friday deals they are excited about with each other. Check out this thread from the What to Expect community where moms trade tips on Black Friday deals and discuss waiting for Black Friday deals to purchase big ticket items like car seats and strollers. Wouldn’t it be amazing if they were sharing YOUR deal with each other?

To effectively tap into the Black Friday shopping trend, it's essential to understand the mindset of pregnant moms.

Expecting mothers are often looking for ways to save money as they prepare for the arrival of their baby. They are meticulously planning their budgets and timing their purchases to coincide with sales and discounts. By offering Black Friday deals, you can make your doula services more accessible and appealing to these financially-conscious parents.

Crafting the Perfect Black Friday Doula Deal:

Discounted Packages:

Consider offering discounted doula packages for expectant mothers who book your services on Black Friday. This can include a percentage off your standard rates or a special package deal that bundles prenatal, labor, and postpartum support services.

Free Consultations:

Entice potential clients by offering free initial consultations on Black Friday. This allows moms-to-be to get to know you, discuss their needs, and see the value of your services without any financial commitment. Already offer free consults? Use Black Friday as a way to get the word out about them!

Doula and Education Bundles:

Partner with childbirth education providers or lactation consultants to create comprehensive bundles that combine doula services with other essential resources. These attractive packages can make your services more enticing. When you partner with local businesses you instantly increase your reach!

You can (and should) make a Black Friday offer for new moms to find you!

We put together an easy-to-use step-by-step guide to make crafting a Black Friday offer totally painless. 

After crafting your Black Friday doula deals, it's crucial to promote them effectively:

Social Media:

Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share your Black Friday offers. Create eye-catching graphics and engage with your audience by sharing testimonials or success stories from previous clients.

Email Marketing:

Send out newsletters or emails to your subscriber list to inform them about your exclusive Black Friday deals. Consider offering an early-bird sign-up option to create anticipation. Add them to the BeHerVillage Black Friday Newsletter too!

Online Forums:

Since pregnant moms are discussing Black Friday deals in online forums, actively participate in these discussions. Share your offer in a non-spammy, helpful manner, and be prepared to answer questions and provide additional information. Access our session with Jayne Havens to learn how she used Facebook groups to grow her sleep coaching business from a side-gig into a 6-figure business.

Black Friday is an excellent opportunity for doulas to connect with expecting mothers who are eagerly waiting for sales and discounts to make important baby-related purchases.

Want step by step instructions on how to craft this deal? Download our guide and get started today! Don’t want to do this on your own? Sign up for our Black Friday Strategy Session on October 13, 2023 and we’ll help you craft a kickass Black Friday offer! Promotion of your offer in the BeHerVillage Black Friday Newsletter is included with the session. 

BeHerVillage is helping parents like you get the funds they need for the support they deserve! Are you having a baby and are looking for support? Create a registry for support today and get gifted funds directly into your bank account to pay for your support team. You deserve this.

Are you a birthworker who supports new moms? Use BeHerVillage to help your clients pay for your support. Create your free profile here and you can be the best baby shower gift a mom will ever get!
Category: Tips From BeHerVillage Providers & Partners


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