My Wife, The Rockstar

Written by: Alyssa Castellano
Posted: September 12, 2020

My wife is a rockstar. Not in the traditional sense of the word but she is 100% our MVP. Here’s why....

Nine years ago, I gave birth to a perfect, 7lb 11oz baby girl. She was conceived naturally (accidentally, actually). My pregnancy was without complication and I went on to have a birthing experience that very closely aligned with my birth plan. I didn’t know it then, but I had it EASY. 
Fast forward 4 years. I’m a single mom to this wonderful little girl and boom, I met the woman that would change my life in the most incredible ways. Beautiful, kind, gentle, generous, funny, and ready to take on the challenge of being a mom. Obviously, I had to make her my wife. 
I had always known she wanted a child biologically her own, so a year after the wedding we started trying. Neither of us really knew what we were getting into at the time. Let me tell you, infertility treatments are no joke. From constant doctors appointments to daily hormone injections to an endless cycle of “hurry-up-and-wait”. I watched this woman, my wife and best friend, go through 4 failed IUI’s, one early loss and a failed round of IVF. I say watched because as a partner, you never fully grasp the emotional and physical toll it all takes. It feels like you’re on the sidelines watching a game with these immense highs and torturous letdowns. You want to step in and help in any way you can but you’re never able to get off the bench. So, you cheer, you support, you cry, and you pray that every failed attempt will bring the one on the field success, happiness, a W.
We headed into IVF round 2. The odds were stacked in our favor but, then again, they had been with every other attempt, too. The implantation of 2 embryos went perfectly. We waited. The waiting was always the hardest part. Do we take a home pregnancy test? Do we wait for the doctor? We test. We test incessantly. Is that a line? Do you see a line? Try in this light. I think I see one. Ugh. Well, doc, did we do it? And then the whole world stopped. Confirmed pregnancy! This. Is. It!!! We did it! 

SHE did it! Over a year of relentless perseverance. My wife is going to be a mom, I’M going to be a mom, again.

Second visit. Still pregnant! It’s TWINS! Holy crap. Are we ready for twins?
Third visit. Still pregnant! It’s TRIPLETS! Wait...what? We only used 2 embryos! And now a whole new panic sets in. I’m back on the sidelines as we hear words like “high risk”, “selective reduction”, “premature birth”. 
The next 7.5 months were a whirlwind. A high risk pregnancy, a global pandemic, and a very pregnant wife. Every day was an adventure and they each lead up to our (her) greatest accomplishment of all. The grand finale that is actually only the beginning. 
At 31 weeks and 5 days, my wife who had longed to be a mom for so many days, week, months, gave birth via C-section to Cayden, Camryn, and Colton. I’ve never been so proud. She did it. 
Once they arrived, we stepped onto the field together. NICU parents and moms of multiples. Moms of babies that all weigh between 2 and 3.5lbs. Babies that need life saving support to breathe, eat and life. Life as we know will be spent half in the hospital and half trying to maintain normalcy for our 9 year old at home. We will have to find strength and resiliency as we step into this new game, this time we truly do it together. For 5 weeks we managed to keep our sanity and help each other as our babies adapted to life outside the womb. Then, the next challenge. We raise triplets. TRIPLETS! 
Our babies are 2 months old today. Their due date was just a few days ago. They are all home and healthy and the rockstar of the family is still pumping nonstop to provide these littles with everything they need to grow. These last 2 years have been filled with a rollercoaster of emotions but our team finally got the W and my wife truly is the MVP.


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Category: Birth Stories
Tags: same sex parents , fertility journey , IVF , preemie babies , c-section


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