Lactation Support Options: IBCLC vs. Lactation Counselor

Written by: BeHerVillage Team
Posted: April 24, 2024
One of the early challenges new moms face is breastfeeding. While some new moms and their babies figure it out right away, other moms find breastfeeding to be the most unnatural-natural thing. Sure, it’s a natural process, but it is a skill for both the mom and the baby to learn, and sometimes a set of helping hands is necessary to master it. Lactation support professionals play a crucial role in early motherhood and the success of a mom’s breastfeeding journey. When new moms have a desire to breastfeed (or pump and bottle feed) their infant, a lactation support professional can provide essential care and guidance for both the mom and the baby. They help troubleshoot issues like latching and positioning, and they provide emotional support and encouragement– all of which can make a significant positive impact on the breastfeeding journey.


Many hospitals offer initial lactation support before a new mom and her baby head home, but it can be worthwhile to seek an in-home lactation support professional to help you after you’ve settled back into your home (especially if you had trouble getting started). There is a big difference between a lactation consultant helping you in your hospital bed vs. coming into your home and helping you in your natural settings: your own bedroom, your favorite spot on your couch, with your pillows, blankets and clothes.


Before you hire someone to help you with breastfeeding, it’s important to know the distinction between an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and a Lactation Counselor.

Both are dedicated to helping moms reach their breastfeeding goals, but their training is a bit different (which might affect the fee your provider charges).



An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant has extensive knowledge and clinical experience and they’re equipped to handle a wider spectrum of issues and challenges than a Lactation Counselor.


Training & certifications:

IBCLCs must complete a substantial amount of healthcare education, including 90 hours of lactation-specific education, up to 1000 hours of hands-on clinical experience, and successfully pass an international exam.


Primary responsibilities:

They work across various environments, from hospitals to private practices, providing specialized care plans for moms and babies– addressing issues that impact breastfeeding success, like tongue ties, nipple challenges, baby’s latch, mastitis, and others. An IBCLC might be a better choice for a new mom if they know they’re going to need more in-depth support or have pre existing issues. An IBCLC is qualified to diagnose and treat issues that relate to lactation.


Lactation Counselors

A Lactation Counselor is trained to offer basic breastfeeding counseling and support. They are equipped to help new mothers with common breastfeeding challenges such as latching issues, painful nursing, and routine feeding strategies.


Training & certifications:

Lactation Counselors generally achieve their certification through a focused course and examination that covers fundamental lactation education. This certification might be enough for moms who need support getting started.


Primary responsibilities: 

The main goal of a Lactation Consultant is to help new moms achieve a comfortable and effective breastfeeding routine, addressing common concerns and providing emotional support throughout the early stages of breastfeeding.

Depending on your circumstances and your needs, one might be more suitable for you than the other. However both provide support and can help new moms overcome challenges that come with breastfeeding.


Lactation support can set you on a path to a fulfilling breastfeeding journey

It’s not always easy to get started when you’re trying to breastfeed. Add in the weird sleep schedules, the healing body, the hormones– it can be hard to know if you’re making milk and whether or not your baby is drinking enough. Having a professional work with you in your home to provide emotional support and navigate issues is a great way to build your confidence and have a successful nursing experience.


The lactation professionals you need can be found on the BeHerVillage registry

So many lactation professionals have joined BeHerVillage and are listed in our registry guide. Whether you want a Lactation Counselor or need the help of an IBCLC, you’re bound to find someone in your area who can help you with your breastfeeding goals.


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Category: Getting Ready For Your Baby , BeHerVillage Registry Guide
Tags: new mom , breastfeeding , lactation consultant


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