6 Ways To Take Care Of Your Pet When You Have A Newborn Baby

Written by: BeHerVillage Team
Posted: June 04, 2024
When you’re becoming a brand new parent, for the first time or for the fifth, there are certain parts of your life that will still need your care and attention– just as they always have. More specifically, your family pet. While your fur baby is likely going to be very adaptable (and hopefully welcoming) to your new addition and any new schedule– they’re still going to have needs that require your attention and care.
This area of postpartum is yet another one where you don’t have to go it alone. To ensure that you’re resting adequately and that your pet is being well-cared for, it’s worthwhile to consider putting some sort of pet care onto your BeHerVillage registry.

Reasons to Add Pet Care To Your Baby Registry


Time Management

Even though the first weeks postpartum consist mostly of you hanging around and snuggling your newborn, it’s still incredibly time consuming. When you’re at the whim of your baby’s hunger cues, when you’re nap trapped, or when helping your baby burp, it can be hard to maintain a schedule that’s suitable for your family pet. When you register for pet care services, you can be fully present for your new baby while knowing your pet is being cared for and their schedule being stuck to.


Reduced Stress

Having a new baby can be stressful without any extra variables. But when you add in the special considerations needed to care for your pets, life with a newborn can quickly become overwhelming. If you have a pup or a cat who you know needs extra care and attention, it can be hard to split your energy in a way to take care of their needs while also tending to your newborn and your own healing. Using a pet care service for the first few weeks postpartum will help reduce your stress by having a professional focus on your pets so you can focus on your baby.


Better Physical Recovery

No matter how you give birth, your body needs time to heal from it, as well as the entire pregnancy. One of the most important parts of healing, whether it’s from a c-section or a vaginal birth, is rest. However, if you have a pup that needs walking or a cat that needs designated playtime, it can be hard to rest and heal. When you put pet care onto your baby registry, you’re giving yourself the gift of recovery. You’ll be able to rest and heal while a seasoned pro takes care of your pet’s physical needs.


Your Pet’s Wellbeing

Let’s face it, your pet might need a little time to adjust before they feel completely excited about your new baby. Even if your fur baby welcomes you and your newborn home with lots of licks and requests for pets, the first few days and weeks as a new family unit can be a little dysregulating for your pet. Their schedule might be thrown off, they might have to change sleeping spots, and they might not be getting the 1:1 attention from you that they’re used to. When you put pet care onto your BeHerVillage registry, you’re asking for a service that can positively benefit your pet’s overall well-being.


Different Pet Care Service Ideas To Consider:

Depending on the needs of you, your pet and your home, there might be a kind of pet care service that resonates most with you.

Animal Walker

One way to care for your pet while settling in with your newborn is to hire someone to walk your dog (or cat if you have that kind of a cat). This way you can really take time to recover and snuggle your newborn while your pup is getting their much needed exercise and sticking to a schedule that feels familiar to them. 


In-Home Pet Care

Your pet is likely going to do their best in adapting to their new companion, schedule changes, and the amount of attention they’re getting from you. Having a pet care service come to your home can help make the transition feel more smooth for your pet (and for you). When you register for this service with your BeHerVillage registry, you can hire a pet specialist or you can use the funds to pay a trusted neighbor or friend to come to your house to take care of and play with your pet. This might include tasks like:
  • Feeding, filling water bowl, cleaning pet dishes
  • Brushing and other grooming
  • Taking care of playtime and mental stimulation
  • Cleaning litter boxes, cages, or cleaning up after your pet in the backyard
This type of in-home care can be useful when you’re resting and tending to your newborn, but this is also a great service to consider if you’re giving birth in a hospital and will be out of the house for a couple of days.


Short-Term Boarding

While many folks are excited to have their fur baby meet their tiny new addition, it’s totally possible (AND NORMAL) if you’re feeling a bit anxious about it. If you have a pet-boarder that you love or one that comes highly recommended, why not register for the funds to give your pet a little vacation while giving yourself some peace of mind. This way you can settle into your home and a routine of sorts knowing that your pet is having a party with other furry companions and some humans who love them. This service can be really helpful if you’re having a homebirth and you want the space all to yourself, or if you’re anticipating a longer hospital stay and need more comprehensive care for your pet.


Pet Trainers

Using the funds from your BeHerVillage registry to pay for a pet trainer is a great way to brush up on your pet’s manners and skills before your baby arrives. A pet trainer can help your pet work on any undesirable behaviors prior to your baby’s arrival, as well as working with any new behaviors or habits that develop once your baby is born. This will help relieve any stress about your pet’s manners, because you’ll have a professional working with you and your pet to ensure a smooth transition.


Your Visitors

If you have folks coming to see you and your baby after you give birth, let them know that you’re open to some assistance when it comes to caring for your pet. If they’ve got animals themselves, it probably won’t be too much trouble for them to take your pup for a walk, clean your cat’s litter box, or fill water dishes. And even if your visitors aren’t pet people, if they love you they’re hopefully going to be willing to do some tasks that make your life easier.


A Postpartum Doula

Your postpartum doula is a great resource for most of your postpartum needs. Many postpartum doulas are willing to do a bit of pet care while they’re at your home and on the clock. Postpartum doulas really are professionals who care for and benefit the entire family– including your fur babies! Check with your postpartum doula to see if they offer pet care as part of their postpartum package.

Taking Care Of Your Pet Means Taking Care Of You

Using your BeHerVillage registry to pay for your pet’s care when you have your baby is an ideal way to get your pet’s needs met and to reduce your own stress. In registering for pet care services, you’re guaranteeing that your pet will remain well taken care of so you can focus on your own healing and your new baby.

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Category: Postpartum Planning , Unique Gifts For Expectant Parents , BeHerVillage Registry Guide
Tags: postpartum , pet care


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